Janusz Orlik

A performer, choreographer. His own choreographic works include Exérèse monobloc, and thy neighbour as thyself, Live on stage, The Rite of Spring, Mute, Insight (Special Award of The Minister of Culture and National Heritage of the Republic of Poland for the best choreography granted as part of the Polish Dance Platform 2014), Koda (a tribute) and III Symfonia (awarded in the “Competition for a choreographic piece to the music of a Polish composer” organized by the ZAiKS Authors’ Association). His choreographic works were presented in Armenia, Austria, Belarus, Brazil, China, Denmark, Georgia, Germany, Italy, Israel, Luxembourg, Palestine, Spain, Switzerland, Ukraine and United Kingdom. Since 2002 Janusz has been a regular member of Vincent Dance Theatre (UK). Since 2021 he collaborates with Teatr Kochanowskiego in Opole and theatre director Norbert Rakowski and creates choreography to Top Secret Research, Four good reasons to leave all this behind and I’m nowhere/Znikanie. He is an author of a series of dance and movement workshops Moved which in a cyclical form took place throughout 2018 in cooperation with various institutions in Poland and were addressed to people who, for various reasons, found themselves in a situation of social exclusion. In 2021 he became an artistic supervisor of Teatr Klucz operating at the Zamek Culture Center in Poznań. For Teatr Klucz he created Tranquillo (main prize in the 5th edition of the Competition for the Best Performance of the Independent Theater “The Best Off”), Intermezzo and Amoroso. He collaborated with Charlotte Vincent, Nigel Charnock, Rosalind Crisp, Joanna Leśnierowska, Isabelle Schad, Ugo Dehaes, Olga Cobos and Peter Mika, Daniel Landau among others. Janusz delivers movement and choreographic workshops in various venues, dance schools and community centres in Poland and abroad.